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Printed copies or high resolution pdfs are available upon request at communications@swan.ch
Conventional Resin Cation Exchangers vs EDI for CACE Measurement - An Ion Chromatography Study Special Print PPChem 2016 (15) 5
Continuous Photometric Determination of Film Forming Amines Special Print PPChem 2015 (17) 1
Turbiwell White Paper Turbiwell White Paper
- Innovations in UV Oxidation Direct Conductivity TOC Measurement to Improve Accuracy and Precision Pharmaceutical Engineering, 2014,VOL 34, No 4
- pH Calculation by Differential Conductivity Measurement in Mixtures of Alkalization Agents Special Print PPChem 2014 (16) 1
Developments TOC Monitoring System Ultrapure Water, Nov/Dec 2012
- Impact of Film-Forming Amines on the Reliability of Online Analytical Instruments Special Print PPChem 2012 (14) 9
- Cation Conductivity: Facts and Fiction Special Print PPChem 2012 14 (7)
- Sodium and Silica Trace Measurement to Meet Semiconductor Water Specifications Ultrapure Water, March/April 2012
- Seven Sins of Steam Sampling Special Print PPChem 2010 (12) 7
- Low-Maintenance Turbidimeter for Potable Water Applications IET, Annual Buyers Guide 2010
- Automated Quality Assurance of On-line Water-Steam Cycle Analysis as Part of the Ensdorf Power Plant Renovation Process Special Print VGB 2009 Volume 89, Issue 3
- Cation Conductivity Monitoring during Startup Special Print PPChem 2007 9 (11)
- Process Monitoring : What Really Matters PPChem 2005 7 (12)
German / Deutsch
- Conventional Resin Cation Exchangers Versus EDI for CACE Measurement in Power Plants Feasibility and Practical Field Results VGB Powertech (Sonderdruck) Heft 3/2017
- Neue Wege in der TOC-Messung, Das Mass der Dinge Pharma+Food, M?rz 2014
- TOC-Messung in Reinstwasser Pharmaproduktion 01/2014
- Neue Wege in der TOC-Messung, Das Mass der Dinge CHEMIE TECHNIK Mai 2014
- Verfahren in der TOC-Messung Pharmind (Sonderdruck), Nr. 11, 1840 - 1848, 2013
- Eignungsnachweis AMI TURBIWELL B?derrevue 03-2013
- Sichere Bestimmung der Badewasserqualit?t Archiv des Badewesens 2012
- Einfluss der Temperatur auf die elektrische Leitf?higkeit verdünnter, w?ssriger L?sungen VGB Powertech (Sonderdruck) Heft 3/2012
- Eignungsnachweis AMI TURBIWELL Archiv des Badewesens 2012
- Messung von gebundenem Chlor im Badewasser IWW Rheinisch-Westf?llisches Instutut für Wasser Beratungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
French / Fran?ais
- La mesure en continu dan l'eau à usage pharmaceutique (EUP) La Vague, 2018 N°56
- Mesure en continu du COT Salles propres, 2012 N°78
- Sanitizzazione: innovazione nella determinazione dell'ozono resuiduo icf, Novembre/Dicembre 2017
- Una soluzione innovativa nella misura del TOC icf, Febbraio/Marzo 2016
- Analizzatori amperometrici per regolazione di disinfettanti nelle acque IC Industry & Chemistry N.4, Luglio-Agosto 2015
- Analizzatori amperometrici per analisi in continuo dei disinfettanti nelle acque LAB Il Mondo Del Laboratorio, Settembre-Ottobre 2014
- Torbidimetro per il monitoraggio delle acque potabili Acqua & Aria Nr. 4 2013
- Analizzatore di fosforo on-line per depurator Acqua & Aria Nr. 1 2012
- Cloro residuo e torbidità; analisi on-line nei potabilizzatori Acqua & Aria Nr. 1 2010
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